Maine DNR

Mrs. Douthard's Directory
Created by Catherine Douthard, Interventionist and Instructional Technology Specialist

Sharing educational resources for students, parents and teachers!

Animal Unit Project

Directions: Use the websites below to find information about your animal.

General Sites Aardvark Anaconda
Animal Diversity Zoom School National Zoo
Planet Pets American Wildlife Foundation UnMuseum
Enchanted Learning  Enchanted Learning National Geographic
Sea World National Geographic San Diego Zoo
Ant Babirusa Baboons
Britannica Ultimate Ungulate American Wildlife Foundation
Pest World for Kids San Diego Zoo  Animal Diversity
National Geographic LA Zoo  National Geographic
New World Encyclopedia The Animal Files Live Science
Beaver Honey Bee American Bison
Fish British Columbia National Geographic National Zoo
National Geographic Nova National Geographic
Beavers Nat Geo for Kids Yellowstone
National Zoo Britannica Live Science
Bush Dog Bush Pig Monarch Butterfly
Animal Diversity Ultimate Ungulate Kid Zone
Britannica Animal Diversity Fish and Wildlife
Soft Kruger Park Enchanted Learning
Giant Centipede Clown Anemone Fish Coati
Poisonous Nature Missouri Botanical Garden San Diego Zoo
Australian Museum Britannica AZ Animals
Bishop Museum National Geographic Nat Geo Kids
 Cougars Bottle Nose Dolphins Peregrine Falcon
Bear-Tracker National Geographic Ray's Web
Animal Fact Guide NOAA Audubon
British Columbia Adventure Enchanted Learning PBS
Lions Ladybugs Llama
Britannica National Geographic Denver Zoo
National Zoo San Diego Zoo AZ Animals
San Diego Zoo Enchanted Learning  National Geographic
Marmoset Meerkats Howler Monkey
National Zoo National Geographic National Geographic
PBS San Diego Zoo National Zoo
Primate Meerkats Cape May Zoo
Mudpuppy Okapi Chin strap Penguins
National Geographic Enchanted Learning National Geographic
Wisconsin DNR Nova Oceanwide Expeditions
Maine DNR Ultimate Ungulate Sea World
Pillbug Porcupine Praying Mantis
Pest World National Zoo National Geographic
PNL Bear-Tracker Amateur Entomologists' Society
Zoo Britannica Desert USA
Reticulated Python Quetzal Slimy Salamander
Atlanta Zoo National Geographic Connecticut
AZ Animals Enchanted Learning University of Georgia
Kids Zoo Ambergris Caye Herps of NC
Sea Anemone California Sea Lion Magnificent Sea Urchin
National Geographic Monterey Bay Aquarium Wet Web Media
Seattle Aquarium The Big Zoo Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning NOAA AZ Animals
Harbor Seals Great Hammerhead Shark Tiger Shark
NOAA Enchanted Learning Enchanted Learning
Marine Mammel Center Nova National Geographic
Monterey Bay Aquarium Oceana Nature Conservancy
Black Widow Spider Flying Squirrel Starfish
Desert USA    
    Missouri Botanical Garden
Termite Siberian Tiger Fire-bellied Toads
IANR Siberian Tigers Amphibian
University of Toronto Heart of Tiger Hogle Zoo
  Indy Zoo Anapsid
World Almanac Kratt's Creatures  Vanaqua
Toucan Green Sea Turtle Wood Turtle
Ambergris Caye Enchanted Learning Wood Turtle
Belize Zoo Sea World Wood Turtle
Birdtimes Turtles Herp Net
Who Zoo School World Critter Guy
Blue Whale Right Whale Other Resources
Alaska NMFS  Animal Life Spans
ACS Online Whale Consortium Classification of Living Things
Whale Songs Wild Whales TESS Species Lists
Oceanlight NSRL Zoo Atlanta

Links Disclaimer and Caution

When you leave this website, I am NOT responsible for other websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to me. Therefore, I do not guarantee that these websites have not changed. When last reviewed, the websites linked from my pages seemed suitable for you to visit, but that may have changed.

Copyright Catherine Douthard, June 2013. All rights reserved. Updated 01/03/2023.