Mrs. Douthard's Directory

Created by Catherine Douthard, Interventionist and Instructional Technology Specialist

Sharing educational resources for students, parents and teachers!


Strengthening the Parent/School Relationship:

Parent Tips and Checklist

Educators recognize that a child's first teachers - his/her parents or guardians - play a crucial role in learning. Here are some ways you can support your child's success in school.

* Provide your child with basic needs (proper diet, clothing, school supplies).

* Provide a study environment conducive to learning at home.

* Contact your child's teacher(s) and visit your child's school and classroom.

* Meet and talk with other parents and school staff.

* Learn about your school's curriculum and support services.

* Reinforce learning at home, in the community and on vacations

* Notice when your child completes homework and provide encouragement (For example, you can say, "I really like the way you're getting your homework done. That's what I expect from you.").

* Recognize progress. Praise steps taken and efforts made.

* Help your child stay calm and confident on test days, and send him/her to school well rested and having had breakfast (or your child can have breakfast at school).

* Encourage your child to talk to teachers if he/she does not understand an assignment.

* Read and talk about information sent home from school.

* Talk about school every day. When your child knows that you think school is important, he or she will take it more seriously.

* Discuss with your child how learning in school helps in everyday life.

* Teach your child to set goals.

* Be a good example yourself that learning is a lifelong process.

* Have a dictionary available for your child to look up new or unfamiliar words.

The Parent-School Relationship

When school personnel and parents communicate, they establish a stronger learning environment for the student both at home and at school. Schools contact parents for many reasons, including when their child is experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties, when the teacher wishes to discuss future plans for the child, or when the school is looking for parents to serve as volunteers.

* Each parent and teacher has the same goal--to help children love learning and be successful. The following are some tips to help parents when communicating with school.

* Recognize the teacher as an important partner in your child's education and future.

* Make an appointment to visit the school and your child's teacher.

* Be realistic in your expectations. First, talk to the teacher when there is a problem. Consult with the school principals or his/her designee, if a second opinion is needed.

* Let your child's teacher know that you like to spend time in your child's classroom to share your special skills and interests.

* Be active in your child's school. Let your child's principal and teacher know that you want to be actively involved.

Parent Checklist

As a parent, you have some responsibilities to help your child be successful in school. Here is a suggested checklist:

____ 1. I have met and talked with my child's teacher, guidance counselor and principal.

____ 2. I have a general understanding of what my child is expected to learn for the school year.

____ 3. I have established a regular bedtime and homework time for my child.

____ 4. I expect my child to take challenging courses, including mathematics, reading and writing.

____ 5. I make sure my child has a good breakfast each morning, either at school or at home.

____ 6. I talk to my child about the importance of doing his/her best.

____ 7. I expect my child to study at least one hour each day.

____ 8. I provide a quiet place for my child to study and do homework.

____ 9. My child and I read together at least once a week.

____ 10. I try to nurture my child's abilities.

____ 11. I encourage my child not to fall behind in class work.

____ 12. I try to find ways to praise my child's behavior daily.

____ 13. When my child has a problem in school, we try to tackle it together.

____ 14. I talk with my child about the progress he/she is making in each class.

____ 15. When my child has not been successful, I make a special effort to boost his/her self-esteem.

____ 16. I make every effort to be actively involved in my child's education and school.


Copyright Catherine Douthard, June 2013. All rights reserved. Updated 07/13/2019.